Three words, eight letters, so difficult to say.

Heather is the most beautiful, sweet, lovable, cute, smart, amazing girl in the world. Or the country, since they're aren't many places I'd be willing to let her go. She could travel the world; But I'd never want to see her wasting away in the desert of Iraq... unless she really wanted to. I don't want to see her walking the parks of France with another man in hand either. Unless she really wanted to.

The reason I'm even bringing her up, is because... I love her to death. I'm making my little sister sick just by spending hours on end just staring at her profile, looking... reading, analyzing anything that I'd need to find when and if I ever meet the girl of my dreams. aka her, people. Get your head in place, because the next four pages of sickening love notes and poems and what not, is all for her.


I love when she smiles in pictures. So far, I've only seen one... but whatever.
I'm happy when she says it back.
I'm saddened when she thinks she can just ask for hugs. Why do you even need to ask, Heather? Am I really that big of a douche?

Don't ask.

How simple my life is now you are here,
How I cherish each breath,
How I crave the light and laughter you have brought me.
I have fallen in love without taking a step,
Fallen into the sweetest of dreams,
How I hope no one wakes me.
The simplest gesture wraps itself around my heart,
Where I will hold it forever.

Each time we say goodbye a part of me weeps,
Though I know it is not forever
To my aching soul it is an eternity.
I see my happiness shine in your eyes,
Every time you hold my hand my heart skips a beat.
How sweet life is to be yours;
How meaningless life is without you.

They know nothing of the loneliness before you
Nothing of the empty tears I cried day after day,
How did you do it, I ask myself,
How did you banish the fear, the darkness?
You have made me see that nothing is that bad,
That I am strong and worthy of happiness,
You have saved me from myself.

Everyday I wake up and smile to myself
Knowing you are waiting for me,
Knowing you can't wait to see me.
How would I go on if you were not there to hold me up,
To bless me with your love and light?
How I am glad you have found me
My life is now complete...
I am home.

I'm not proud of how I've been acting towards her for the last few days, even though I have already apologized to her... I'd like to do it more formal.

Three words, eight letters, so difficult to say.
They're stuck inside of me, they try and stay away.
But this is too important to let them have their way.
I need to do it now, I must do it today.
I am sorry.
February 16th, 2009 at 09:00am