Yesterday was amazing! I met frank Iero!

February 15th . Best day of my life! It started off with me waking up at 4:45 to take a shower. Then I got ready and ate. Called my friend Dorothy at 6:30 to see if she was ready.
Me: “Are you ready?”
Dorothy: “…..No…”
So I got my phone and my mirrors that I made for the MCR guys and got in the car and waited for my dad.
I got to Dorothy’s house at 7:00 and we got to the store at 7:13. There we meet Felon Melissa and her dad and sister. The signing wasn’t suppose to be until 2:30 but Warden Becks said it was going to be very crowded. So we had to get there earlier. But it was actually the opposite. I didn’t mind it was great talking to Melissa the time started to fly by. We talked about school, twilight, my chem, ext. With my friend Dorothy randomly saying “OMG Its frank!” when ever a car would pass. By around 9 people started to show up. We still talked. The at around I think one a bouncy girl came up to us.
Tara: “Are you alma and Melissa?”

Us: “yeah”

She introduced herself and we talked. She asked us really hard questions like “Who’s are favorite band member?” “Which is are favorite cd?” Then at 2 the people from Macbeth started handing out stickers and picks. We signed up for a raffle to win a pair of his shoes.
Then it was 2:30. I looked through the window and the first thing I saw was franks dogs. I was like “Aww! He brought his doggies!”
Tara left and went to where she was originally in line. So we went in 10 people at a time and we were the first in line. First it was Melissa’s sister, then Melissa, then me. So I was trying to mentally prepare myself and next thing I knew it was my turn. I was like “What?…Oh!”

Exact conversation:
Frank: “Hi!” sticks out his hand for me to shake.

Me: Freezes takes hand “Hi.”
His hand was so warm and he had a strong grip. Oh and his eyes! Pictures and videos of him don’t do him justice. They where BEAUTIFUL! A pretty honey color with some green. I saw his eyes and was like *drools*

ME: “Can you sign this?(hands him a poster)…and this ( hands him an MCRime poster)”

Frank: “Yeah sure.” laughs “ What’s your name?”

Me: “Um…Alma. A-L-M-A”

Frank: “Al…ma?” I nod. “That’s a pretty name.”

Me: blushes “thank you. Oh I made these for you and the rest of the guys in my art class. There sandblasted mirrors.”

Frank: “Really that’s cool!”

Me: “yeah. Um I broke your mirror by accident.”

Frank: “Oh that sucks! What is that 7 years bad luck?”

Me: “Yeah I remade yours though. I was going to give them to you guys the next time I saw you live but it was sold out.”

Frank: “ Yeah it happens.”

Me: “yeah. So please be careful.”

Frank: “Okay.”
So he grabs them and was going to pass them to a guy behind him. I had my eyes on the mirrors and I guess he saw that. So he made a joking motion that he was going to drop them and he made a glass breaking noise. So my reflexes told me to jerk forward and try and save the mirrors. He was smiling and said that it was okay and handed it to the guy behind him. Telling him they were fragile.

Me: “ Can I take a picture?”

Frank: “Sure just come over here.”
So I slowly walked over to where he was. He stood up and put his arm around me and Dorothy took the picture. ( My brother said I looked like a deer caught in the head lights)
I waited to take a picture for Dorothy and then we went outside to wait for the raffle.
Tara came outside and showed us her poster, and told us what happed to her. Then we talked and waited. Then frank came out and called the raffle. When he came out he called out the tickets and then when he was about to go back inside with the winner. When Tara asked for another hug. I swear that girl did a bunny hop into his arms for a hug. Me and Dorothy where cracking up!
Sadly me and Dorothy had to leave. We went to best buy and bought the leather mouth cd and then went to eat at Denny’s. When I got to my house I was talking to warden becks and then she called me and we talked. She told me some embarrassing times of when she met frank and Gerard. It was the best day of my life so far. I couldn’t stop smiling. I was on a frank high for the longest time. Oh! P.S frank got chubby! He’s so adorable. Jamie’s and lucky girl
February 16th, 2009 at 06:18pm