
Today I really had time to think about something. About all the people that are afraid to be who they are. I was one too. Not anymore. I learned that I have nothing to gain from pretending to be someone I'm not. People always put these silly rules up that need to be followed or you're "uncool". Oh, give me a break.

I tried to be cool. I really did. I tried to be popular, to be in on everything. To go to the latest parties, have the richest friends and obey the popularity code. I tried to have a boyfriend, even though I knew I didn't like him at all. He was popular and it only "fit".

The only thing I learned from that experience is that I didn't have a personality. If people are such followers and need a code to keep them going they're fake and don't have a personality. I eventually lost all of my "popular" friends and remained with true ones. So, there was a little good out of this mess. You shouldn't be afraid of liking some strange things, and have even stranger fears. Take me, for example. I am deathly scared of ladybugs and butterflies but I'm not scared of spiders. Strange, right?

People were born to be unique and not clones. If I like something and nobody else likes it, I'm not going to say that I don't like it anymore. I'll stick with who I am and what I like. With what I do. I'm not the type of girl to go into clubs and smoke, make out with random boys and drink. It's just not me. I don't judge the people that do it but that doesn't mean that I have to do it, just because it's the most popular activity kids my age do.

I simply say the truth: I don't want to go. It's not what I do. I go home, watch a good movie, maybe even read a little, drink a hot cup of tea and then write my strange stories. I don't want to see my friends all wasted and destroyed. I simply refuse to see them like that. Maybe it's denial, I don't know, but it's not what I do.

People who are afraid of being themselves need to learn that what makes you, YOU makes you beautiful and unique. I can't be a dumb girl just to satisfy people. If they resent me being smart, then they can go complain to somebody who actually cares. I don't.

Maybe that's the reason I have only a fist-full of friends. They're real, true friends that know me for who I am and respect my being. I love them for being them, but when I see that they're afraid of being who they are, it breaks my heart. These days of pretending, never come back and I learned that the hard way.

Be yourself. The world is too small for somebody else.
February 20th, 2009 at 04:36pm