The Octo-Mom, Abortion, and Other Thoughts

Okay. So there's a lot of hubbub about a woman named Nadya Suleman who had six children and has another eight afterwards. Here are my thoughts. After hearing about the case, I thought a lot about it. I mean, the doctor implants eight embryos not expecting them all to live, and after they all take, decides to tell Ms. Suleman about abortion, and how she could kill of a few. First of all, I personally believe that this woman should be applauded for not killing her eight unborn children. I am very anti-abortion, because, I mean, if you leave the embryo there, it's not gonna sit around going, "Ho hum, I don't feel like becoming a baby, so I'll just go back from the sex organs from whence I came." If you leave them together, it's going to become a baby. Second of all, sex isn't just a thing for pleasure. I mean, isn't the whole point so that you can create another life? So- and here's a easy solution, if you don't want kids, don't have SEX! I mean, it's THAT SIMPLE. Or, use flipping birth control, if you're that much of a sex fiend.

Also, okay, for those people who say, "Oh, but what if my baby has a terrible disease, and it's going to die right after I birth it, so I'll abort it to avoid giving it pain and suffering." Let me give an example. Let's just say that someone does a test, and they find out that they are going to die at fifty years old from a... a heart attack. Completely hypothetical. Would you kill that person at twenty-two so they wouldn't have to suffer at fifty? Of course not! You would let them live their lives, prepared to say goodbye at fifty. SO, I think that the baby, no, that the PERSON should be allowed to live their lives, no matter how short.

Abortion is becoming too much of a instant cure all... "Oh, no, I had sex when I wasn't supposed to and my birth control failed. Let me take Plan B!" (Which is, by the way, an abortion pill because it kills the embryo. This is supposedly okay- if you don't believe an embryo is a person. Which, of course, I do.) It seems to be too common... appearing in TV, movies, and other media. I'm afraid that one day it's going to be a norm. Which to me would simply be sickening.

Alright, I've babbled enough. Anyone have any thoughts?
February 26th, 2009 at 04:18am