I'm In BIG Trouble [+ RADIO MAN!!!]

Oh yes. I am. I have done something I promised myself I would never do.

I'm starting to get feelings for a person over the net. And I don't think I can stop them. He's just so wow, and cute and amazing and makes me smile and laugh.

AND HE LIVES 16 HOURS AWAY!!!!!!!! It's unfair. So unfair.

He wants me to either go over there... or him come here. Fuck I Wish.

I, really am starting to like him. The more I think about it, the more I do like him. Ohhhh for crying out loud



Will hopefully be updated TOMORROW! Sorry for no updates. I have been SO busy this week with helping a friend out at his own store. He just bought it and set it up, so I helped him out.

But yes. If I'm not busy, tomorrow for sure


xxx jess

ps. I want him so bad people. So bad. And he's real, we've gone on webcam. Lol. -sigh- his smile....
February 26th, 2009 at 03:58pm