Bullies and Semi-Boyfriends


I am surrounded by them everyday of my life. My dad for instance, he bullies everyone in the house and he can be violent. He doesn't touch me, if that's what your thinking, but he does with my younger brothers, and my mom. He only verbally abuses my sister and I so I really don't have any problems. My home life is hell, even though it's hard to believe me since my parents put on an act whenever some one comes to my house. My "semi-boyfriend" thinks my life is so easy, and he's wrong. I've been through a lot that no one knows about and it'll stay that way.


Dimitri and I are talking again, and things are really good. He MISSES me, surprise surprise. I thought he would be glad to be broken up and single. Hell, I thought he would already have a new girlfriend by now. He doesn't because he misses me, I think. At least that is what he kept implying when he said he could take back everything that happended last time he was here.
VERDICT: He and I will start dating again and take things smaller than baby step small. We'll go out, keep talking, and see if we could give the "us" a final try. Hopefully, we learn how to communticate better with each other before things blow up in our faces like they seem to always do.

So my question to you public of Mibba; Should I ask him to be a friend on Mi$p@c3 or no?
I know I'm stupid for even thinking about giving this boy one last chance, but I really care about him. He's a drug and I'm addicted so sue me. However, I would like some people's support.

With love,

March 4th, 2009 at 01:09am