The ramblings of a stolen mind

To whom it may concern,
I must regrettably ask you this question. Why is it you feel the need to tear me up and down or any way you want to. Why cant you understand that I am just me and why is that not good enough? I am not something that is controllable nor am I somehting that is easily manipulated. I feel violated, I feel wronged. By you, you who are supposed to protect me, to keep me safe. Instead you throw me under the bus, literally or in illistration. I just dont understand your reasoning. This cannot be whats best for me, I doubt very highly that you are even thinking about what makes me happy. I am almost certain you are trying to edit my life based on this miscontrude imaginary view of the world, where I have to be some kind of perfect. I cannot be perfect, nor do I pretend to have the pretense of trying, although I confess there were times I tried to be. This is who I really am inside. I am not your perfection, I am not my own perfection, and that is ok by me. Come break me down again, please, let me show you the strength that resides in my heart. I will fight you even though it is killing my soul and can be easily view through the windows of my eyes, allowing you to view deeper into the darkest depths known as my heart. Its not right, to steal from me. I am not done hurting yet, please throw another blow at my back, as I turn to shield the utmost broken parts of me. Come please, do your worst, I am not running from you, I never have. If you really want a war, bring it on, I am stronger than you know, than you realize. You may not realize who I am, but I know now, and I wont let you have me. I wont let the poison in your minds to infect my broken shards making it impossible for me to heal. How dare you? How fucking dare you? I am sick with this saddness, this pain that threatens to drown me, day after day. I wont let you kill me, not me, my spirit, or any other form of my being. I can win this, I will show you what you are. What I see you as. Get ready, you wont like it, This I promise you.

The ramblings of a stolen mind
March 11th, 2009 at 06:41pm