Decide for me?

I just can't decide.

I have three ideas for Mibba. All of them were made up by me but two are not about, what you might call, 'normal.'

One is about pirates.
Basically, girl turns into a pirates and potential husband is in the navy and they end up fighting spend their lives running away/after the other. thinking they hate each other but THEN one of them realizes how much they love the other when one of them is abducted and sold[maybe] into slavery or to the chopping block and happy ending.

The second one is about dragons/dragon riders.
Basically, girl becomes a dragon rider after meeting boy # 1. when she gets a dragon she meets boy # 2 and boy # 3. End the end she will decide who she loves most blah blah. With this one, I will take suggestions from people but only if they leave comments otherwise I will have no clue what you want. I can't read minds!

The third is a Twilight Facfic.
Basically, Edward realizes that Bella isn't as 'in love' as she seems and it just keeps spiraling down when a vampire hunter appears and his hate toward her turns into love.

So i was hoping you all could help me decide which one to write or maybe do all three.
Of course, I need to finish My joe jonas story first.

And I plan on deleting one of my other stories and putting one on hiatus.

Help me to decide?

March 20th, 2009 at 08:31pm