At the edge

I am so tired of people telling me how to live my life. They are not my parents therefore they have no right in telling me how I should dress or what I should listen to. I love my youth group and church to death. The people in there are amazing and I would hate to lose them but the leaders are being ridiculous. I don't think that they should tell me and everyone else that we shouldn't date. I have never come across a verse in the bible that says that dating is against God's word. It says to not let another person or thing come between you and God but not that it is a sin if you date.

Our youth group finally got rid of our old youth pastor who forced all these ridiculous rules on us and we got a lot of the original kids that started with the youth group back. We even got some younger leaders that I used to go to church with when I was younger. Everything was finally coming together and then they go crazy on us again. All of the younger leaders and myself are fed up.

I live in Florida for god sakes and I am told that I am not allowed to wear shorts and a tank top on church property or when I go out with my youth group. So what am I supposed to do, go and die of a frickin' heat stroke???? And then one of the younger leaders was told that she had to wear a different youth group shirt since she took hers and cut the top of the neck off so that it sat at her shoulders instead of at her throat. It wasn't like it was showing cleavage or her bra strap she wore a tank top under it. I can seriously only imagine what has been said about me behind my back by the other "leaders" if you can even call them that.

I am sorry but God has given me the common sense and the judgment to know what is right and what is wrong. If you don't have that common sense then you know that is your problem. I am in a serious battle right now though because I love God with all of my heart and I want to continue to serve him but I just don't know how I can serve him in the church that I am currently in. God really needs to work in my life right now and change things around drastically before the church losses a lot of us.
April 2nd, 2009 at 10:08pm