Back to School

I had a busy week back to school. I was on my Spring Break I know I know it was incredibly early. Ok so I met back up with my BFFs who I missed so much over break.
What I did over Spring Break:
I hung out with my brother, his friend, and my guy friend who I walk to his house and do karate with. He is not my bf. He is dating one of my friends. I killed them in Call of Duty 4,5. I swam at the Y with them. I did Yoga at the Y with my guy friend's mom. I did karate. (oh FYI A guy in my karate class has a crush on me and me and him and I normally get paired up so this week we were doing a game like sumo wrestling and I literally picked him up and threw him out of the ring and ripped a whole in his shirt. It was funny.) I played on the computer, wrote stories, and slept in.
Back to School:
My mom was gone this week she has to leave for business trips every once and a while. So she was flying to Colorado. I normally keep the house clean and everything well she is gone. Now here the thing sleeping late for me is till 7:00 that to 5:10. Let me tell you I am not a morning person. Nowhere near one. I just always wake up early and can't go back to bed. So I made the coffee every morning, packed the lunches, and woke everyone up. I'm exhausted now, but unfortunately I still have to go to school tomorrow I have a car wash for CSF (California Scholarship Federation). Then my friends are coming over to work on our English project. Whoopee. All in all this week was exhausting hopefully it gets better.
April 4th, 2009 at 06:03am