My Mind

My mind is a dark place. Too disturbing for anyone to enter. The misfortunes it will bring upon you, if you look inside, are simply impossible to describe. Terrible thought go through my mind. Every minute of everyday I just want to escape this hell that is inside my head. Thoughts of guilt and thoughts of always being ashamed of what I've done and what I've planned to do. Thoughts of the unthinkable and the unimaginable. My mind is a dark place. i beg you not to look. Its not too late toturn back. I compel you not be involved with it. It makes my life hell and I wouldnt wish that on anyone else. The paranoia alone is enough to drive anyone mad. Not to mention the despair and anxiety it always feels. The fear that someone might know what I am thinking. It is unbearable.
April 5th, 2009 at 06:26am