And to say that falling in LOVE..was great?

Perhaps it may have not been the easiest thing for me to do, but I feel like talking..or writing about it actually. I keeps me wondereing to what I could possibly say to what I need to say. I'm a silly girl who you can fall in love..easy? Maybe not. I'm not looking, and I'm not planning to stay that way for a while. I guess all this confusion of Love is getting to me. I was reading a manga..and it's strange because I can relate to it in so many ways but I'm not planning to have the results of what the main character wants. Anywho, I question about who I like and if it's one of thoes things that I'm just thinking but actually not feeling. It may turn out to be that I have failed, I may not like chopsticks (code name for what my friends name him). Though everytime I see him, I feel like blushing but ignore that he stares. Who knows why he stares, there are many reasons why he could. 1. I'm pretty and he thinks of me in a nice way or 1. I'm a freak and doesn't know why the world I comment on my PE teacher shirts. (Yes I tend to do that, but I think it's fun and something you don't hear everyday.) or perhaps 1. It's just a a normal stare that people show. Either way I'm not hoping its the first first one, cause I'm not desperate about finding a guy but it would be nice to know someone cared. Really, I don't know how to react to someone who likes me, I've NEVER had an impression to a guys match. Not even once. It's not good nor is it bad but it would be nice to know about something called love. At least a small hint, and that's alll I want. A hint and nothing else. Thinking about it makes me wonder..a lot. Could I possible "crush" on someone or is it a feeling I was only thinking but not thinking. I dunno, I don't feel anything of my heart beating so quickly as it possibly should but I'm not denying I didn't like him. It's even funnier how I like this guy who we some how don't EVEN make a conversation at all. Never talked to him..wait..there was one time but I wasn't thinking. Now I feel bad since I slapped him on the hand for trying to snatch a cupcake. ^-^ *blushes* bad. Perhpas I should break my who thing about not baking anymore. I shall break that and bake one last time and give him a cupcake for an apologize. Yeah that's what I will do. I owe him one, in about month I shall confess. May luck be with me, ouch. Thinking about it gives me butterflies. Haha. Well enough about my thoughts today, it's what I need to write out and to who read this, Thank you. Share you thoughts or advice. I need it.
Till then,
See yah!

April 11th, 2009 at 10:36pm