Evan. <3

So there's this boy.. He kinda means the whole world to me. He's my best friend, my baby, my love, my everything. He's my other half. Without him I'm nothing. I can talk to him about anything. He knows me better than I even know myself. I love hanging out with him, he's a blast to be around. He always has me laughing, && knows how to put a smile on my face :]. I love cuddling with him, holding him, hugging him, kissing him, just simply being around him. He's my favorite pass-time! Even his presence is simply amazing. We talk for endless amounts of time on the phone.. not to mention, talking about some of the most random shit in the world at that, lol. It makes going through the whole day to wait for his call at night more than worth me waiting for. I may only get to see him on the weekends mainly because of distance, but trust me; it's worth the wait. It makes the time I spend with him so much more precious. The sound of his voice makes everything disappear. His voice soothes me, while his touch makes my heart race, his kisses takes my breath away, and he just simply leaves me speechless. When he holds me close, I never want him to let go. Because I know it's where I belong, and where I'll always want to be. I would love to stay in his arms forever. If I had a choice; I'd chose spending every minute of the day with him in a heartbeat.. if only it were that easy. He always trys his hardest to make me happy. Happy when I'm down. Loves me, when I feel alone. Helps me; when I feel like the rest of the world has shut me out. He cares about me, when I don't even care about myself. Something that may seem so insignifigant to you, but in my eyes is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. He hasn't ever given up on me. && I don't know how I could ever begin to thank him for that. He's the one boy who's went to every length he can to show me that I'm the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He's the biggest sweetheart in the world. He's the kinda boy that when I hear his name, see him on my caller ID, talk about him, or am around him, my heart starts to beat faster && faster. Everytime I look into his eyes, I fall in love all over again. If that's not a sign you're in love; then I don't know what is. It's just great knowing that he loves me unconditionally. I have never had anyone in my life who loves, cares, trusts, believes, and wants me in their life in the way; and to the extent that he does. It's amazing how special & important he makes me feel; not just right now, but every second of everyday. He's the one person I trust fully. Someone who actually deserves my trust. He's bringing out the best in me. He's the boy I have my heart set on spending the rest of my life with. I want to marry this boy, and I don't care what you have to say about it! He's simply the boy of my dreams, and I'm glad that my dreams are finally a reality[/u[. I'm in love, and never have any intention of that changing. I'm finally happy again! I have him to thank for that :].
May 11th, 2009 at 01:15am