My Poor Budgie :(

I think my ten-year-old budgie might have to be PTS. Poor guy has been sleeping way more than usual these past few days, and his cere is brown, which I read could mean he has a tumor. He is ten years old, and even if treatment for bird tumors were easy, I doubt he'd survive at that age. It seems like I've had him my entire life. I've had him since I was like five or something, and I'm 15 now. I'm taking Monday off from school to go to the vet with my mom, so he could be checked out. I don't want him to be put to sleep, but we might not have a choice. Maybe the vet will say it's something else, which is what I'm hoping. He's never been hand-friendly, but I'm still going to miss him tons, especially since I've had him almost my entire life. Poor guy. Anyways, I think I'll go on my porch right now and get off my computer. It's raining, and I heard some thunder. I don't want to kill my computer if the power goes off. it's really sensitive, or at least it was. Plus, I have part of my research report saved on here, so I don't want to have to restore the entire computer >.< That would be a pain in the butt. The rain will also be quite calming, especially if I bring one of my guinea piggies out (I of course won't let the pig get wet.)
May 17th, 2009 at 01:53am