Why Can't I have a family too.

My Adoptive family pretty much disowned me when I found out that I was adopted. It was when I needed them most, cause it wasn't them who told me. It was my best friend, kinda harsh eh? It was a few years ago now, at least four...maybe five. But now it seems that no one wants me. No one has time for me, sure my real mom tries but shes doing it wrong. She can't buy my love, thats not how it works. Sure a new cell phone is nice, and 800 dollar driving lessons are even better. But its not a family, thats all I want. Its all I've wanted since I was 14. A real family, is that too much to ask for?! I guess it is in my case. No call on my birthday, not from anyone. Sure my now ex boyfriend and I went to the movies...But I paid for it all. It makes me really sad to think that my own family can't even take time out of their schedules on a very important birthday. It hurts...a lot. I mean no one takes time out of their schedules to hang out with me. No one ever calls, and then they expect the world out of me. Forgive me for being a b*tch but I can't take this. I'm just pissed off and tired of being alone and having to work my ass off for everyone when no one gives a flying f*ck.
May 18th, 2009 at 06:34am