.Good News, =].

Well, hey to every1 that is actually reading this, =].

I wanted to share some good news w/ you all.

I am now 5 months and 5 days pregnant and I just found out as of yesterday [[technically since its past midnight, xP]] and I'm having a girl, =].

Me and Dustyn were hoping for a baby boy, but you know what I'll love it regardless of what it is and I know he will too, x].

We've already have a name for our little girl picked out as well, =]. Its going to be Evelan Gypsy-Rose Merideth [[since she is going to get his last name]]. I really wanted the name Chassidy, but he didn't like it so we decided to stick w/ 1 of his great grandmother's name and I found it pretty so I didn't object, lol, xP.

Anywhoozles, I just wanted to let everyone know, =].
I hope everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow *hugs*.
Take care every1.
Nighty night.


-."Life brings us new things each and every day; some we expect, some we don't, but we learn to grow regardless".-

-."My best friend gave me the best advice; to live each day like it was my last".-

-."Genuine happiness is 1 of the best feelings that you could possibly feel during your lifetime".-

-."I will love you through thick and thin. I will love you through the good and the bad. I will love you regardless".-
May 27th, 2009 at 10:14am