Family Frustrations

My extended family almost frustrates me as much as my immediate family.

On Memorial Day, we got a call from one of my uncles, saying that my second youngest girl cousin had been hospitalized on Saturday. Her family hadn't even bothered to tell us, thinking that someone else would. We rushed to see her, and her two elder sisters told us vaguely that she was "improving" and the doctors would probably release her on Tuesday (yesterday), but wouldn't tell us what was wrong.

So yesterday, we went to see her again. This time, a doctor was there and told us what was really wrong: they had diagnosed her with DIABETES...and a very severe case too. Both of my grandfathers had diabetes, which is why at first her sisters didn't see it as too surprising...but another doctor told my mom that if my cousin didn't take in as much sugar, she could outgrow it because she's still a kid.

My father started ranting about how he's always telling my cousin's father (his brother) not to let her eat so much sugar, and why didn't they tell us it was diabetes in the first place. My uncle started crying, and the rest of us were just shocked.

All of this is making me mentally and physically exhausted.
May 27th, 2009 at 06:03pm