
I knew it from the start. The moment I met you, the moment I fell for you, I knew it. I knew that this wasn't going to be easy, it was going to be hard. I knew that we were facing something scary, something dangerous, almost forbidden, but I didn't care and I still don't care. Because when I'm with you nothing else matters. When I'm in your arms and I brush back your hair and you kiss me. Nothing matters. Only we matter.

So even when I'm forced to leave, to go to whole new school and a whole new world, know that I'm not really leaving. I'm never leaving. I'll always be there. My phone will always be on. I'll always be waiting when the weekend comes. I'll always be there when you need to laugh or cry or scream. I'll always be there, even when it seems impossible. Girl, I know you could do so much better than me, but I promise you that you will never find someone who loves you more than I do.

So I'm here. Forget about the rumors, forget about the ass wholes. I'm here. And I'm ready for the long haul.

I love you.

Les Français bibliques ont une énonciation sur l'amour :

L'amour est patient, amour est aimable. Il n'envie pas, il ne se vante pas, il n'est pas fier. Il n'est pas grossier, il n'est pas égoïste, il n'est pas facilement irrité, il ne garde aucun disque des maux. L'amour n'enchante pas dans le mal mais se réjouit avec la vérité. Il se protège toujours, toujours des confiances, toujours espoirs, persévère toujours.
- Corinthiens

May 27th, 2009 at 10:17pm