A little piece of update ;)

I just had to use that as my title, it just sounded good ;) haha.

So, life? Right? Yeah it's good. I think I'm going to style this as more of a blog than a journal. I guess... haha I'm not so sure.

Lately I've been neglecting my Mibba account *hugs Mibba* I sowwy! But once I get another comment on Never Say Goodbye, I shall update :) Even if I don't actually. But it'd make the update better, and mean more to me? Prease? Shanks :) haha I'm volunteering you to comment, but I shall now stop bitching and whining haha.

Anything else... hm... *taps chin and looks at floor* AH YES! I am currently reading My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult, and am thouroughly happy with how much of an amazing writer she is.

I had to write a 'characted sketch' the other day for school, which I wrote on Red Sox closer Jonathan Paplebon, and it inspired me to want to go into journalism. But then I was writing a great article on this whole Jon and Kate spiel, and my computer crashed, and I lost all hopes and spirit. It was a harsh to my mellow, if you will :)

But no fears! My spirit towards over-writing stories here on Mibba has not been strayed! It is as strong as ever and getting stronger. I want to write so much more, but I have agreed with myself to just write temp stories, then delete them from my computer before I get the itch to post them. Because I am consentrating on finishing up a few on here, posting them, then deleting the saved ones from my computer. Because they're taking up loads of space (I have a crap load of chapters. I'll count them up and post later haha)

So yes, I shall be updating a few stories tonight because I'm even annoyed at myself for not updating my older stories, I even have sequels started =O I have problems... they need to have Mibba therapy haha "Therapy for recovering Mibba addicts" HAHA I can see myself in it now... *shiver*

(me) "And I just kept writing new stories..."
(therapist) "And how does that make you feel?"

HAHA Good stuff :) lol.

Alrighty, I shall stop boring you and go back to writing those much needed updates! It'd be cool to get some comments on them when I post :) it'd let me know people are reading, and that the story is worth my while still... not that they aren't, I love each and everyone of them like there is only one, but it gets old sometimes. You know, writers block.

xxxooo Jackie <333

PS! Check me on twitter! http://www.twitter.com/JackieBurke92 cya there!
May 30th, 2009 at 02:42am