Up! (A surprisingly suitable title)

Yesterday and today have been so good. Right when school stress and other problems seemed like they were going to completely crush me, I was rescued by summer.

Things are looking up.

On Thursday, we took our math final (which I probably failed) first thing in the morning, and when I finished, I ran out screaming "IT'S SUMMER, IT'S SUMMER!" Which I'm sure our teacher didn't appreciate, but I was only speaking the truth! (:

After school, everyone went to Six Flags, and I rode as many rides as I could before they forced me to leave. After I was kicked out by a particularly grumpy man, I went to dinner with three of my friends, one of whom I haven't seen for a couple of months since she has been away at college. After that, we went to my friend's house, watched Role Models (funny, dumb movie, by the way) and then I went home, to find that my phone had arrived in the mail!

Then today, I went to work for 6 hours or so, then when I got off, I had made enough money to get my summer dye-job for my hair. Then my friend came and picked me up and we went to the park for a while until the movie showing of Up we were going to was on.

On to Up. It was the best Disney/Pixar movie I have ever seen. (Yes, folks, it beats Finding Nemo and Monster's Inc.). The old man in the movie was adorable, and I fell in love with all of the characters. My favorite by far was Kevin.

I literally cried during the movie at a couple of parts. I think the reason it was so good was because it was an amazing kids movie, but it was also really emotional. For me, at least. The old man reminded me so much of my granddad, which is probably why I felt so attached to him.

But seriously, if you haven't seen it yet, or you're still considering, go see it. You will not regret it.

Then, after the movie, I went to borders and bought one of those soda bottles with the marble in it, and a little wind-up dancing robot since I had some money left over on a gift card. My friend and I almost got kicked out of the store for hanging around too long at the little kiosk thing where the wind-up toys were set up. (Videos to come of all the cute little toys).

If this is what summer is going to be like, I can't wait for the rest.
May 30th, 2009 at 05:29am