I want to be Phineas and Ferb's friend

The more I think about things, the more I realize who Chely is. So lately I've noticed that every time I'm happy all I think about is love. I'm not really sure why, but I do.

Before I had the excuse that I had a crush on someone and such, but that crush is gone and then the other day I was all happy again and still all I could think about was love. How cute love is. How love makes you feel fantastic. And the thing is, I don't really know how love feels like but I just assume when I'm happy. I'm so confused. Why do I think about love when I'm happy....?Hmmm....

Well, right now I'm not thinking about love because I'm not happy. I have a terrible headache and I just want to be sick to have something to whine about but being sick is a pain in the derriere and I'm not up for it.

Today has been an extraordinary boring day and the worse part is that for the next two months and a half it's going to be just like this. I hate summer...I never have anything to do! Do you guys have any ideas on what I could do to pass the summer?

I wish I was friends with Phineas and Ferb. They have something to do every single day of their 104 days of summer vacation. It would have been cool to ride in that huge roller coaster...Or go to the past and see dinosaurs, or even driving my sister insane, but I do that sometimes even now.

It'd be great if I had a genie right now and I could have my three wishes. One would be to have outrageous adventures every day! Just like Phineas and Ferb!

I hate summerrrrrrrrrrrrrr,
-Chely L.
June 9th, 2009 at 01:52am