Summer Muse

Dear Readers--

No, I haven't forgotten about Mibba: actually, I've really been making sure to get on every day. I just haven't been submitting any of my writings in the past forever. Now that school is letting out, we haven't gotten assignments for Creative Writing, which is obviously where I complete most of my work. The only thing that I've really been writing is my novel, which I think I explained I didn't want to post because of copyright claims in my last journal entry.

Anywho, I have two more days of school, both which are half days. I'm hoping that without the work load, I'll have a lot more inspiration over the summer for some writing. I got a notebook as a gift from my teacher on Monday, and I'm already filling it up with stuff. I found I had some muse for poems and flash fiction, so I may put some of that on here.

Happy writing, guys. H.A.G.S!

June 10th, 2009 at 11:26pm