Apparently not even honey bears are sacred anymore! (And other tidbits.)

So, in my About Me on Facebook, I say that I like to save old honey bottles and then drink out of them. A harmless enough fact, or so I thought. Then today, I logged in to find that I had a message. It was from a girl that I don't really talk to that much. She's one of those "scene queen wannabe" types with all of the hair and none of the personality. She's a bit of a b*tch, to top it all off. So I opened it, a little wary to find that she's accusing me of stealing that from Audrey Kitching.

First of all, um, what?! Because it's impossible that two people happen to have the same habit, right? I'll bet the world didn't breathe until Audrey Kitching took her first breath. Oh, and I bet I'm ripping her off too, because I suggested the name Audrey for my little sister. It's impossible that I just happen to like that name, right? [/end sarcasm]

So yeah. That was a lovely way to start the day. I promptly unfriended her and went on eating my Poptart.

In other equally irrelevant news, I started packing today! It was pretty freaky, though, because as I was packing, The City's Summer by the Honorary Title came on, followed by Summer in the City by Regina Spektor. I was packing for a summer in the city. :tehe: So that was pretty cool.

My neighbors are throwing a party next door, and earlier this evening, this girl rang our bell thinking it was their house, (she was obviously already wasted), and began demanding "are the kegs here yetttttt?". It was pretty priceless. And now blasting Daft Punk. Who knew frat boys had such good taste?

I saw The Brothers Bloom on Friday. I went by myself, which I usually try to avoid doing because I get reallyanxious when I go in public by myself, but I'll cover that bit later in the journal. It was actually really good. I found out that I find Adrian Brody extremely attractive, and decided that I wouldn't mind being a conman for a living. How's that for cinematic experience, eh? So yeah, I reccomend it for sure.

Moving on. Lately, I've started to gain a lot more control over my social anxiety. If anyone actually recalls, I wrote a journal a couple of weeks ago about how it had been getting a lot worse, which makes sense, because it usually acts up right around when I'm going to make some big change in my lifestyle, be more exposed to strangers, etc, and I'm about to leave to San Francisco for 6 weeks. But the other day, I was feeling particularly anxious, and I did what I always do and tried to logically talk myself out of it. "No, the people over there aren't making fun of you, they're probably just talking like normal people do with their friends", etc etc, to try and get myself out of my own head. It never really works, I do it more as a measure of good faith than anything, but when I tried it this time, it actually worked. I have this new sense of control over my own thoughts, and I've been feeling a lot less self-conscious lately. It's kind of nice to have my mind back to myself again.

Oh, and look what I found out when I was doing the dishes today!

Ahh, I love my mom. "Frustrated drummer!"
June 15th, 2009 at 05:51am