
This topic is going to be about nothing.

Nothing can't be nothing, because it is something. People often get confused with what "nothing" actually is. To me, nothing is the idea of the non existance of everything. It is quite paradoxical, as the idea of nothing itself IS something. Nothing is difficult to mark or map, and can be confused because it's found in our everyday language but in different
context. Someone asking "What's in the attic?" for example, and someone replying "nothing is up there". Obviously it's not true, because there is air, walls, a floor, maybe a window up there. There IS something up there.

When people say "nothing",sometimes they mean the relevent or on topic objects or situation is not present. If you're looking for a box full of old coins and can't find it in your attic after you've looked everywhere, you will say "there was nothing up there."

Since we misuse the word "nothing" so much, we begin to forget what the concept actually means. It's a confusing concept, as we are human and definitely have trouble knowing something 100%. The concept of nothing seems to be understood via the brain/mind, but in practical or physical terms it doesn't exist to us. There always is 'something' there. And nothing itself IS something. But most of the time it's quite easier to just assume that "nothing is nothing". Why go the extra mile asking questions about this? Time and effort i put into this now to maybe spark some thought into this subject to anyone reading.

To me, nothing means "the absence of existance". But even the absence of existance is something, Right?
June 27th, 2009 at 05:56am