With The Punches - They Need Help!

About With The Punches -{Palm Coast TONIGHT} ON TOUR!
With The Punches is made up of 5 guys with a passion for music and a drive to succeed. You will find no over the top choreography, no gimmicks, no silly hair cuts, no fashion trends, no bullshit. Every member of With the Punches grew up listening to music at a time where it still meant something. Shows were our Friday night hang out spot. The guy that smashed you in the head in the pit is now your best friend. Being crushed at the bottom of a giant sing-a-long is your favorite memory. We will do our best to give you music that comes from our hearts and continues the passion shown to us from bands we grew to love. So we ask all of you...grab some friends, come out to some shows, give us more stage dives, more circle pits, more sing-a-longs, more memories. We are With The Punches...suck one!

This is such a great band - and it would be much appreciated if you could help them out! On their Florida date the oil in their van burned out and on their way to get more the engine seized. So, pretty much their van is dead and they need money to get a new one, so they can finish tour.

You can help them by ordering their merch at withthepunches.bigcartel.com Tell your friends, too!

You can also make donations via paypal to indulgence182@yahoo.com


please reblog
July 4th, 2009 at 08:14pm