Babysitting Hurts

I went babysitting for new clientele today. Oh, my lordy. That girl was like a nuclear bomb even without any food or sugar. When I got there, she wanted to play house and barbies. then, she ran downstairs and wanted to watch twilight. then she wanted to go swimming. fun, but i had no swimsuit. i had shorts so i pulled off my socks and shoes and within ten seconds...well, suffice it to say - i was soaking wet. she had a swim suit so she was fine. then, we went and got her changed and cleaned up and she wanted to watch spiderman 2. she doesn't even know what it is. so we were watching it, right? and this is how almost the entire movie went:

kid: who's that?
me: spider man
kid: who's that guy?
me: spider man's friend
kid: who's that?
me: spider man
kid: who's that guy?
me: spider man's friend
kid: who's that?
me: spider man
kid: who's that guy?
me: spider man's friend
kid: who's that?
me: spider man
kid: who's that guy?
me: spider man's friend
kid: who's that?
me: spider man
kid: who's that guy?
me: spider man's friend

...over and over and over again...i really can't blame her - she's 5 - and she's at her curious stage in her life, but after a while it got quite tiring. i had a headache and even this 1L coke im drinking isnt doing anything. i'm not saying anything against the girl - sweet and cute - but man.....she was a kid!!! and i love that she was a kid, but this is why i tell my parents that i'm going to adopt.

ay yai yai
July 5th, 2009 at 08:52pm