1,051,200 Minutes...

So I just looked, and I haven't posted a journal on this website in almost two years! How weird is that?
I reread them all too, and I sincerly apologize to anyone who had to read them. They're so lame, and I'm not just saying that. (especially the one about Gerard and Lyn-Z...did I have to write that in all caps? hehe)
Um, for those of you who read my I hate my mom's boyfriend rant, I'm sorry about that too. He actually turned out to be not such a bad guy, as it is. I think I just wanted to hate him because he was in a place I was sure belonged to my father. Him and my mother have actually been married now for almost a year, and he hasn't left since they got back together. But that's enough about that.
As far as complaining goes, I think I win hands down. But I've gotten better, I promise.
Things are as steady as they have always been. It's the neverending cycle here, the grind of the changing days. I live, I laugh, and I make a total ass out of myself in front of boys that I like. ;-)
But you don't want to hear about my boy drama, either. :-)
I think through everything, though, the sharp twists and turns of my life so far, music has gotten me through a lot. And I know it's totally cliche to say it, but I have to credit something to my survival of the endless fights, breakups, divorces, drama, and shit I've been through. It definitely wasn't my therapist. :-)
But in all seriousness, music has helped immensely. And I think that's the overall goal of it, really, is to help people. I know not everybody feels the same way, and I don't want to be all preachy here, but it's been my solace of sorts for the greater part of my life. It picks me up when I'm upset, and pumps my spirits even higher when I'm happy. I just love how no matter what mood I am, there'll always be a perfect song to go with it.
So I guess the moral of this long and pointless rant would be thanks, music, you've helped me through some tough times.
And I guess the moral of this long and pointless journal would be how much I've grown up in just two years time. I think I've changed a lot, and I hope it's for the better.

All my love,
July 7th, 2009 at 07:39am