A Game Of Catch-Up

I feel so behind.

I had NO idea that Ryan and Jon left Panic! At The Disco.

no idea until today when I logged into Mibba. I'm really bummed. Brendon and Spencer are amazing so they'll make it work and make it better. But still...it's a bummer.

I haven't been on Mibba in a very long time...I could give any list of excuses. College searches, the fact my boyfriend broke up with me a day before Valentine's Day by a Facebook Message, or the fact I both got back from vaca and then got my wisdom teeth out the first week of August. Hey, I could even say it was because I turned 17 earlier this month.

Anyhow, I'm not going to make excuses. I just wasn't able to put the time in for the stories. But I was able to get online today, and I feel like I'm back home :)

I'm back! =]
August 18th, 2009 at 04:38am