
Well, despite the title I oh-so ripped off from my absolutely FAVORITE band, this has nothing to do with P!ATD. Its just my little message to my non-existent friends on this place. I'll be posting a short story soon. Its something I've had lying around for a while. It's a parody of all the really bad stories out there. I keep it around to remind myself not to write 'mary-sue' characters or cliched plots.... not that it always works, but hey, I try. So.. it'll be up in a day or two... so look for it! I want to pre-thank anyone who comments or subscribes to my ACTUAL stories (when they come out). When I do put up a story I would appreciate feedback, because I do tend to digress & over-detail everything. Like this note! It has no 1 topic, I just kinda ramble a lot. Anyhoo, read my stuff when it comes out pour favor!
August 23rd, 2009 at 10:11pm