I Smell a Contest!

Yo momma was so thirsty... she drank a glass of water... and now she ain't thirsty no more! Oooh, burn! You want some ice for that? Yo mama's still got some from that glass of water she just drank.

Yo momma makes such good dessert, I ate one of her brownies and was like "Woah your momma makes good dessert!"

So... that had a bit of a purpose. My friends and I have been coming up with some really lame Yo Momma jokes, but now it's become a full out joke war. I'm enlisting you. Your mission, if you choose to accept it (and it's an offer you can't refuse, really) is to comment below with the best and/or worst of your Yo Momma jokes. My favorite gets a special prize!

That could be getting put into something I write maybe, or some virtual cookies (which may be better quality than the writing, knowing me) delivered fresh to your door!

So now you must comment!

Why are transvestites always so happy? Cause they like to eat, drink, and be Mary.
September 9th, 2009 at 09:33pm