Something I hate and can't stand.

The title basically explains what this first journal entry is about. It's about something I hate and can't stand! (go figure)

This "something" is stealing/cheating/faking. So what if they don't all mean the same thing? I don't give a crap. I can't stand any of them. And sure, this may be directed at anyone I want it to be directed at, but I'm not pointing fingers. I just thought I'd express my mind on how I really feel about things like this.

Stealing, by definition, is "to take and carry away without right or permission". Cheating, by definition, is "the act of deceiving : FRAUD, DECEPTION". Fake(ing), by definition, is "IMITATION; FRAUD; IMPOSTER; LIE". (Definitions courtesy of Webster's Dictionary)

To me, none of the three of those sound very polite, fun, or good. Thus, why would anyone want to commit any of them? I'm not quite sure. I'm not saying I'm the perfect person who's never done any of it; I just have learned and don't do it anymore. Because to me, it's not morally right. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if i knowingly and willingly stole someone else's idea, cheated someone of something fun or good, or pretended to do or be something I don't normally do or something I usually am not.

In my opinion, stealing cheating and faking are tactics people use to get ahead in life without having to do any work. Without having to make any real effort to accomplish something. But what is life other than just a giant test of the human mind, body, and spirit? Without truthfully achieving anything on our own, are we really living? I think not. Thus, people who lie, cheat, steal, fake, deceive, etc. aren't living fully. They are merely sapping off of the great work others have done or not even doing that; just sitting back and watching life cruise by outside of the protective, boring bubble they survive in in their sad, poor, meaningless lives.

Just some thoughts. Not really sorry if I offended anyone. I'm entitled to my own damn opinion and if you don't agree, well then lucky for both of us, we don't have to communicate. Either way, this is what I think and I'm sticking to it.

Have a nice night everyone.
September 10th, 2009 at 05:41am