
Well, I'm thinking I might have found the guy that has truely made me happy, but yet again, who knows what could happen with this relationship. I think I love him, but I have been through so many bad guys that I'm not sure whether to trust him or to be cautious. He is like my best friend and is just the greatest person to be around. Together, we have been through so much. From all the fights we've had to fighting the other chicks and guys who have tried to hook up. I just love everything about you. My mom told me I will be over this in the next month. It's been a good solid three months and we are still together. So many people have tried to break us up and ruin us, but we are so strong. We are like an army. We are very unstoppable. I'm so greatful to have met an amazing guy like you. If things don't work out, I hope we can still be best friends.(: I love you. Mahal kita! Te amo! Ich liebe dich!

Is there anything exciting in your love life?
September 16th, 2009 at 09:38pm