
When i look at my reflection i don't know who i am. Do you? How did i end up here staring at this girl in the mirror polluted by outside influences? When am i going to be just me? People know me better than myself because frankly i don't remember. The last time i did i was three standing by the old oak tree.
Then i thought about it, Are we ever really ourselves? Or are we collages of different people and experiences that have shaped us to be the person we are today?We are like pieces of clay, chipping, molding, shaping into this person who stares back at ourselves. So today as i was looking at my reflection i realized that it wasn't really my reflection but a mere reflection of a collage.

I wrote this as i write these things often as an explanation of ourselves. idk i thought that i might post it up so you could think about the same tings i do.
peace,love, and happiness,
September 19th, 2009 at 07:29pm