Who i Am and WHO i was

I have an erratic thought process and was told this would help.... she suggested telling someone about my story and see if they can help me, help myself:

I was born into a military family, In Katherine N.T Aust. I spent Three years of my life there before my dad was posted to Sale. Vic. Aust. There we spent seven years. And in four different houses. I was always a strange person. I guess it was my family. I’m the oldest child of two. So pretty much the nuclear Family I guess. I was always one of the boys. I used to always wear shorts and a t-shirt, even though it was only 11 degrees, I’ve always been good at climbing trees and am pretty strong for a girl… I started School at St. Thomas’ Catholic Primary School. And stood out from day one. (I had a buddy and her name was Cherry.) I was bullied on my first day, simply because I was weird. (I was bullied all through primary school). I didn’t learn to spell my name right until year 2.

I only ever had one real friend at a time. The first was Andrew. His father was also in the RAAF, they moved away in year 1. I met Kym at the end of year 1 and also was briefly friends with a girl called Jemma, She was too stuck up for my taste, plus she was obsessed with the Spice girls. Kym moved away in Year 2 towards the end leaving me alone and picked on more than ever. Then I met Melissa in Year 3, she was a year younger. In Vic the schools are set up with combined year levels E.g.: year ¾. Yet we had good times. I left Vic when my dad got posted to WA. (I’ve never really forgiven him for that.) I started Year 5 at Liwara Catholic Primary School; there I met Sheryl, Joanne and Naimh. I guessed that they really didn’t like me to much but they tolerated me and didn’t tease me so I was happy. I happened to be a year older than them though. I then met Laura. Someone like me; Arty.

As I got to Year 7, I was popular of all the wrong reasons… I had umm ‘developed’… this led to several problems. First: he boys. Second: The girls. They were either jealous or trying to get a good look. This led to bullying on a physical scale… up until then it was usually rejection and bad names, but this was much worse… I graduated heavily (mentally) scarred from the abuse I suffered from the other children...

I started anew at Prendiville Catholic College. There I lost my best friend to the pressure of trying to fit in. I spent most of Year 8 and year 9 Bullied by the other children. By then I had noticed I had a much darker side to my personality. I could get angry, which for the recipient was usually disastrous. Then I met Angel, she moved from Carine and sat on the same bench me in science. There I also met Taylor; I’d seen her once before wandering the school looking lost. Angel dragged me to meet The ‘Reject’ Group, There I met Joel, Rob, Chris, Star, Mel, Cat, Mikey, James, Chase, Dylan, and some others who have since left. By then I had attempted Suicide 9 times. Each stopped by someone or my own guilty conscience. I bonded with the group and am still there today. Yet it split in Year 10 after Mel and Cat left.

This year I joined scouts; and met Jono, he was the stepping stone I needed. He then changed, He was continuously pressuring… so I ditched him after he set his hand on fire after a stupid moment… I then Met Charlie; He works at the same place I do. (Maccas) (I do not recommend it… slave Labor and shit pay) we went out for 3 months… and then came Kris; we go to the same school. I hope it Lasts forever. Xx Love you Kris xx

At Ventures (scouts) I have met some very interesting people; one of those people is Scott, we called him Jesus at one point because He has hair down to his waist. There was Andre; a person from the past: he went to Liwara. He was and still is a pyromaniac just like his friend Peter. And Tom, who, no matter how much he denied it, still likes me and has since we met.
September 21st, 2009 at 02:01pm