my battle with trojans. (no, not the greek guys or the horse)

I do believe my desk is now considered unholy ground.
it all started last night, I had just posted my last post and was going to play a little DDO. (Dungeons and Dragons online). When, WHAM!, Trojan pops ups.
it was called 'Windows police pro' and apparently had jumped onto my computer after a late night Youtube session.

well, after almost twenty four hours of cussing, hitting the computer, pleas to gods of all kinds, (light and dark), and even a tiny bit of weeping, I removed the damn thing.
it would have been a snap if the virus didn't keep popping back up after I deleted it.
it sounded kind of like:



"Damn it!"

over and over again all day long. I half expected to hear a evil computerized voice on par with HAL or GLaDOS crooning:

"I'm sorry sir, I can't do that"

and then vaporizing my face with some sort of annoyance ray.

in other news.

mom recently approved my idea of a blog, something I had been milling around with for a few weeks. I envision it as a review/day to day writing thing.
somewhere for me to post things that just don't go in a journal, mostly rants and maybe a few comics.
if I do follow threw with the idea, you can bet that you'll all get a link in one of my posts.
until then..

this is Nate signing off.
September 22nd, 2009 at 03:15am