I have managed to NOT see the purpose of History :D

Okay - so I get that we are taught history to learn of famous people and how we came to be yaddy yadda yadda, but why do we have to learn about the boring nit picky things?

Honestly I don't care the Juan Ponce de Leon wanted to find the fountain of youth and instead found Florida! How is that going to help me in my future of being a Medical Professional?! (Professional... Proffesional... yeah it's Professional xP) I think we should only have to learn about important things likeeeee... uhm... the civial war and WWI and WWII that kina stuff :P

Don't get me wrong - discovering Florida is VERY important but I don't want to waste ink and paper over it! Couldn't we just read it and forget about writing things down or a stupid test? I doubt I'll even remember half that stuff 30 years from now :D

My kid will be all "Mommy what did Ponce de Leon do?" and I'll be all "Uhmmm... derrrr... he invented the skateboard? Idk eat your damn taco D:< I love you." **exageration**

But yeah - if ANYONE could bring me to the light about this I'd be happy to listen to your ethos, pathos and logos ;D
September 23rd, 2009 at 12:25am