When People Make Matters Worse

Don't you hate it when people offer to help you, and still TRY to help you, when you rejected them. It's like an ongoing system. I mea, people can help, sometimes in the right way...but most of the time, they just don't know what they are doing. Some people that offer to help, say 'i know wjhat your going through, i can help you' but they don't. they don't know anything. they can't help you when they can't realise that they are making things worse.

People these days don't realise that when they try to help a situation, they think they understand, only makes matters worse.i know everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has their 'blond' moments, but sometimes, they do things to often, and not realise that what they are doing is a continuious thing. I know i have my moments, and i make matters worse too, but when some people try and return the favour, not realising that they have no idea what they are getting into, and make everything a whole lost worse.

It gets annoying, and things never seem to be the same after that. It would be nice if people just left a situation alone, until they either understand everything, or they actually know what they are trying to do, instead of winging it, and making the person they are trying to help, life a whole lot more complicated.
October 16th, 2009 at 10:18am