Concerning My Stories

The Prince and The Emo and my Sold at An Auction and Bought By A Vampire haven't been updated frequently as they use to. Will the writers block disease caught up to me. So I decided to rewrite them and lead them with better chapters and a more well out thought plot line. Concerning Nine Months and Hollywood Living. Those two are on hold. Just until at least one story is complete.
Deadly Attraction right now is my main story, so those chapters will start coming out more at least three-four times a week. I will have a new story called Blood Mates its of course a vampire story since vampires are my main focus. Its currently going under construction. But the first chapter should be out within next week.
One more story that I have but deleted. Is called Our Love Can Save Us. Its also going under construction but isn't on mibba. It will be out sometime next year with tons of chapter begging to be posted.

So that's all that concerns my stories. One little teeny thing. My birthday is less than two weeks away. November 2 it is so send me some banners for presents?
Thanks for reading especially my lovely readers.
October 20th, 2009 at 06:15am