Making Friends

Hello all,How are you?Here where I am, it is 6:20 am, and I am heading out my door for school soon.I am writing on here because i need somewhere to put the jumbled mess inside my brain, before I go fill it up with more.I have been working on listening to what my friend suggested, which is that i socialize whit people outside of my little group. I have discovered that its not as hard as I thought it would be.I do two different after school things, as well as choir, so its not like I don't have the opportunity. My biggest road blockers are that I'm stubborn.But I am slowly getting around that.Well, that's all the time I have, must head out the door.Gah!

Arriana Glory Lee-Page,Ready to live like there's no tomorrow!
October 22nd, 2009 at 12:31pm