Red Lips: Izzy Sparks (Guitar Hero) one-shot

My one-shot for Izzy Sparks is NOT UP!! I will have it posted sometime this week (hopefully) but I don't have enough time during study hall to post very much of anything. Just sit tight and I'll have it up in no time.

In other news, The Bunny On the Moon's first chapter is done and ready to go. The second one is half-finished. When I have five chapters written, I'll post the first chapter so I have some time to write more. It will be updated twice a week unless something comes up and I can't do that [my grades might be too bad (doubtful), the library is closed four days of the week (even more doubtful), a giant flying shark falls through the roof of the school and crushes all of the computers (maybe), etc.]

Any questions?
October 28th, 2009 at 04:17pm