
I am excessively bored right now. So excessively bored that I have resorted to writing a Journal. On Mibba. Dear God, where am I going to go with this? I have been looking up Pixar films on Wikipedia, and the different actors from Star Wars, like Billy Dee Williams. Man, that dude's awesome. And Denzel Washington. Even though he's not in Star Wars, he's one Snickers bar I'd like to shove in my mouth, if ya know what I mean, hahahah. No, not funny. Any, I've now resorted to how much Ricola I can eat and how much Ny-Quil I can drink until I crash.
Au revoir, with love, kiss kiss hug hug, xoxo Gossip Girl,
Dan Marazita.
November 25th, 2009 at 06:16am