
Okay so seriously, I'm not one for bashing, I really hate it because you know, if someone bashes something I like, I get angry and I know how it feels, so I really don't like to do it, I think it's distasteful and a complete lack of respect for those that are fans of something.
Basically, I'm having a pretty amazing day, everything is amazing, I just come home from a bonfire that was really one of the highlights of my year.
A friend of mine then says hello, and we start talking, she then says she just returned from watching New Moon and I very politely say that frankly, I would never see it in a million years, because I think (and this is completely my opinion) that the books are not that well written AT ALL, the movie is God-awful and I'm really not a fan of the whole 'omg-Prince-Charming-Damsel-in-Distress' syndrome, because that's just not the way I was brought up. I was raised to learn that women and men are equal, and women don't need a man in their life to be complete and for their life to be worthy, sure, I'm a sucker for a good-natured well-written romance, but that doesn't mean I strive to lead a life like that.
She then proceeds to basically all caps yell and bitch about how I'm being a bitch, because apparently I don't like Twilight and it's clear that I'm having a bad day, which, I then say that I'd had a wonderful day. So then apparently she comes to the conclusion that I'm jealous of Stephenie Meyer because she writes extremely well and because she's a fucking millionaire.
Well NEWSFLASH. I really couldn't give a damn if this woman was fucking President of the USA, her books are awful, they're misogynistic, bad-written, and a whole bullshit of Mormon propaganda, which I really don't support.
So really, I'm sorry if I don't like Twilight, and I'm sorry if I don't agree with you, but you really have NO right as my FRIEND to call me a bitch because I don't like something you do, FRIENDSHIPS ARE THAT WAY, we can't share the same interests because frankly it would be fucking boring.
argh just. I'm sorry for this blowup you guys, but I really can't stand this, I really can't.
November 28th, 2009 at 10:22am