an eventfull saturday (New Moon)

well, my aunts and i went to see New Moon. now im one of those people who have read the books far before anyone thought of making them into movies. so i have to say, i think the movies just dont compair to the books. but it was amusing to sit through. i was giggling pretty much all the movie cuz my aunt was wispering and pointing out every little thing about the movie. commenting about jacobs 8 pack, but she ended up claiming charlie :P. so the movie was.... entertaining. Step two was to go christmas shopping (i was forced). how it pretty much went was that my aunts picked out stuff and made me try it on. i would say ok to almost anything cuz i dont care for shopping. i only really picked out a few things i really needed. mostly i got clothes by the way. so we go up to purchase the stuff and my aunts went to 2 different cash regesters. they both had orders of about $80..... i felt a little bad, but after all they are the ones who picked everything out. so step three was going to get some pizza cuz one of my aunts were hungary... we pull into the little gas station/store and all is well. we smell something but its a gas station.... they always smell weird. so after sitting there for half an hour waiting for the pizza, my aunt starts the car. bam the smell is back. 'um di, thats i think thats your car.' well my aunt is having a mental break down as she pulls the car out. then we see the spot she was parked. full of transmition fluid. she stops the car for a second to see if 'the coast was clear' to pull out. she hits the gas and.... nothing. we had to push the car back and call the tow truck and all that crap. but in the end i felt bad. my aunt couldnt really afford that shopping. and she cant really afford to get her car fixed... she should have never spent that money on me. but anyway it was a pretty eventfull day.
November 29th, 2009 at 11:00pm