I will never understand,

Why my best friend can't open up his fucking eyes and realize how much that girl is fucking him over. And I'm not saying this because I'm in love with him or whatever, cause that's just too damn cliche for me.

Really, that's not even close to being the case.

You see, my best friend has had this on again off again thing with the same girl since seventh grade. Now we're all currently juniors in high school, long time right? Whatever.

She used to be my best friend before she changed into an even MORE attention seeking whore. And that's the honest truth. I mean, she's fine when she's just around girls but once she's around boys it's like fucking hell. I can't even put into words how annoying it is. Just blow my fucking brains out, please.

But their relationship is so utterly pointless.

She'll ask her current best friend to ask him if he's seeing anyone or has a thing with a new girl just to make sure he's not moving on. Which I think is bull shit because she's been with countless guys while he hasn't really been talking to anyone.

She'll come around again, fuck around with his head, and then just stop talking to him. Every time she's around she'll come talking to me right before she stops talking to him and tell me how he won't be able to satisfy her because he's too good. And I'm always like, why the fuck are you talking to him. Why did you even START to talk to him because this is always the same every time and you just enjoy fucking with people's emotions.

This is all just bullshit. And I'm so tired of it.

I tell him countless times that he needs to cut her out of his life because she's just fucking him over every single time.

So tell me why he hasn't talked to her in months, but then he comes along and texts me and says "hey, i need to tell you something but promise you won't get mad"

That's like his fucking pick up line. Whenever he breaks the news to me that he's talking to her again that's how he starts it every single time. I haven't talked to him since. And we're usually inseparable. But I can't take all this bullshit over and over again anymore. Not until he fucking learns.

Am I overreacting? I don't even know anymore ..
December 2nd, 2009 at 03:47am