Semper Fi

You know when something major happens in your life, and you feel like the whole world is spinning? Well, thats how i feel right now. Today (12/6/09), at 6:00pm my brother and cousin are leaving for the Marines. I just got home from church, while i was riding in the car, i felt like i could cry, me and my brother are close, and i'm going to miss him a lot. In the car, i just looked at all the other people. I looked out the window and saw a girl in another car close her cellphone angrily. I realized, that no matter how big this event is to me, no matter how much its going to hurt me and change my vew on life right now, it doesnt affect those other people, they dont know whats happening in my life, and they probably dont care. They dont realize that my brother, and cousin, are going to protect our country, to protect them. I never realized how much it hurt to watch your family walk out the door, to their potential death.
The thing is, I dont feel like crying, I havent cried once since he enlisted, and even though he's leaving today, i dont think i'm going to cry. I'm proud of him, he is finaly doing what will make him happy. None of the arguments with our parents, none of the fights, have detured him from acheaving his dream.
Thirteen weeks.
Then he'll be back, for ten days.
Everyone keeps expecting me to break down and cry, or throw a fit, or something, but i'm not going to, and they keep making me feel guilty and its stupid. Right now, the way I'm fealing is pointed out well in the song Time Of Dying by Three Days Grace. People keep saying that i should be here to see him off, he could care less, he's excited. I have my own life. I will say goodbye, but i dont want to be here when he leaves.
So, to everyone from the US who is reading this. You're getting two new solders today. I hope your happy, your freedom is being protected by those i love and care for.

Semper Fi = Always Faithful.
The Few. The Proud. The Marines.
~Benjamin Grambush
~David Preston
December 6th, 2009 at 08:36pm