Am I the only person who still likes My Chemical Romance?

OK so obviously I'm not the only one.

But honestly they have lost so much popularity of late. The fact they only announced one small club show for when they come to Australia and it isn't sold out! Yet Paramore sold out tickets in three states.

Heaps of my friends loved them about 3 years ago, but now none of them do. I'm literally the only person I know who likes them now.

Ive remained completely loyal to them during their hiatus and I still have a bedroom dedicated to them. When my friends visit me, they ridicule me.

I'm seeing them twice in one week in February and I'm sooo excited and I can't think of anyone else I know who would find that exciting.

But its not just people I know personally who seem to have lost interest in the band. I mean at one stage I would add anybody who seemed obsessed with them to myspace. Now if I visit those people's profiles they seem to have absolutely nothing about them anymore.

And remember when everyone had [MCRmy] at the end of their screen name? Nobody has that anymore.

Will the hype pick up again once the new album drops? Its not that I want them to sell out and be hugely mainstream and popular. Its just that I have nobody to talk about them to anymore, everyone hates them!

Even my little sister barely likes them anymore and she was once a die hard fan.

I know its wrong, but sometimes I'm afraid to say they're my favorite band because of the hate and backlash I'm faced with.

But I'm totally in love with My Chemical romance and I don't ever see that changing. I want to get a tattoo representing them soon.

So do you still like them, I honestly would like to know :)
December 11th, 2009 at 01:10am