Geee's GF?? or BF???

Hey newbie so treat me nice pleeezz LOL!!
Anyway I get really pissed because i keep hearing rumours that gee either has a gf or hasn't or he loves guys nowadays. I dont believe he's a homo coz if he is i would totally bash sumthin' i mean who wouldn't. I just want bloody answers!! has he got a gf or hasn't he.
I heard he did have a gf but she turned out to be a slut hence the song famous last words was born. i dont know if this is true and it is pissing me off!!!!!
I heard he has got a gf called olivia but i don't know!!!!! i know i shouldn't believe everything i read but you know i'm in a curious age LOL
Anybody know some answers!!!!!
Soz if this is such a stupid topic but this is what this bit is about isn't it?! type what yer thinking and get people's opinion on it so feel free to comment.
February 13th, 2007 at 01:23am