what happened to our youth.

Tonight I spend the night with my girls and we went clubbing unbelievable but true.

As we walked into the club I started noticing that we were the oldest people there.
All around me I could see 13- 14 year old girls with so much make up on you would simply not know them if they showed up au natural and wearing dresses that were too short, too tight, showing too much boobs or all of those three.
Not that these girl were not cute or unattractive it's just that I felt disgusted by them as I remember when I was 13-14 I was not sneaking into clubs and wearing this much make up or just even make up at all !

Why are they rushing to grow up ? Why don't they just enjoy being kids and stop worrying about drinking, smoking and sex ?

Are they trying to impress us who are older by doing things we often do?

Well to be honest I think that 13-14 year old girls that sneak into clubs, drink, smoke and have sex with anyone anywhere are the most uninteresting people I've ever met in my whole life.

About a year ago I was going through a really though phase in my life and one of my closest friend was a girl who was one year younger then me, her name is Linda.
Those she was one year younger then me she had already "popped the cherry" with some guy she met at a party when she was 13 while I was 15 and still a virgin. She was drinking, smoking and having sex like it was no "biggie".

Lately I've been thinking a lot about this. It hasn't passed my mind till now that this girl had serious problems. All though she acted all cool and relaxed on the outside, she was just a shy little girl on the inside wanting to get out of this mess.
- It's amazing how we don't realize so simple things until we really put our minds to it.

I don't see the point in rushing so to be an adult. I mean sometimes I wish I could still be a kid so I didn't have to worry about school, money, love, family troubles and drama.
I remember how simple things used to be. How you could spend the evening with your friends laying in the grass, watch the sunset and just think how wonderful this life could be.
No worries, troubles or nothing that could ever hurt you.

I remember one time during summer break when I was about 11 I was laying in the grass in the big field right across my house with my friend. We just lay there for hours watching the sunset. We watched how the clouds went from red to pink, orange to yellow and then as the sun went down it started cooling down and the clouds turned blue.
Everything was so care free... unlike now.

It makes me so mad and bitter to see those young beautiful girls rushing to be adults and messing up their life as they try to be something that their not and trying so hart and desperately to fit into a group full of experienced and immature people.
December 27th, 2009 at 05:48am