I'm thinking ahead.

Dear readers,
Now that 2010 has started, I want to think into the future...
This is my predictions for the very end of 2010, for when the ball drops leading us into 2011.
I want to imagine what I'll be like, who my friends will be, what music I'll like, and what the world will hold.
Pretty intense I think.

I'll continue to change and grow to be -what I hope will be- a better person. I hope that all will be good...health, happiness and so on. I can bet I'll continue to be my strange, one-of-a-kind self and my passions will still be burning strong. I sure hope I like this person I will become, cuz I think they'll be around for a while.

Friends come and go, but the ones who stay are the ones who glow. I love my friends, they are my light at the end of the tunnel. The people who brighten my day and make me live for the next. I would never be who I am without them. I'm sure I'll lose some, gain some, but I'm sure the true ones will stay around.

I'll still love music, as it follows me through life. Rise Against will still be my favourite band, and I'm hoping to see them in concert before I write a new one of these journals...the one showing if these predictions were true. I'll put up with the pop, and enjoy some of it. But screamo willl still be my life and all.

I hope the world will hold peace, love and united friendship. But all that in 2010; before 2011? I can doubt that. I don't think much will change. We will still be hoping for our troops to come home safe, and for the economy to be better, but all of this will take time. Time as in more than a minute or a day. It's a gradual process.

Hopefully, one year from today I'll read this and smile. I'll look back at who I was and be proud of it, proud of the person I was at the beginning of 2010, and of the person I will be in 2011.

That's all for now.

In all hopes for good.

January 1st, 2010 at 07:50am