Anyone else feel like they just weren't ready for 2010 yet?

Last night I went to my best friends for the bells. But all I wanted to do was stay at home and cry and feel sorry for myself because I know that things are gonna change this year, and the prospect of everything changing again scares me to death when I just got used to 2009 the start of last month, and I was really enjoying it.

This year a lot of things happened and it made me realise a lot of things, but mostly that I have to calm down and just go with whatever 2010 brings me. Just be happy and go with the flow and all the rest. But I didn't prepare for it. I wasn't ready for midnight, I wasn't ready for a new Kirsty yet.

But now I am. If I don't change now, then I don't think i'll ever be happy with myself.

While I was at Paulas we made a promise that 2010 was going to be a LOT better and a lot less stressful than 2009, and that we were going to just enjoy ourselves. And while I know I'm ready for it I'm also scared as hell. But I suppose that's normal, considering in the past I both physically and mentally haven't dealt with change very well.

So once I got over myself last night, it was a damn good party. Small, but damn good.

My new years resolutions:

-loose weight until I am happy with the way I look
-stop lying
-get over 'him' again (for the second time, I had to do this last new year too. if it means cutting him out my life completely again, I'll do it. I have to.)
-be myself and stop pretending
-have a less stressful year than 2009
-be happy.

So was anyone else totally not ready for '10? Or was I just being crazy?
Anyone got any resolutions?

January 1st, 2010 at 02:46pm